
This service provides reverse phone lookup information about a US (or sometimes Canadian) phone number. The service provides name, address, city and state, along with provider information. GeoPhone can provide instant reverse-phone lookup verification to websites or data enhancement to contact lists.


GetPhoneInfo_V2 (Recommended Operation)

Given a phone number, this operation will consult national directory-assistance databases to find the owner and address registered. Both the contact's information and the phone company's information are returned with this operation. Two valuable bits of information are also retrieved – whether the phone line is for business or residential purposes, and whether the phone line is landline, wireless or voip. This operation also returns latitude and longitude. Coordinates are city centroids (ie the center points of the city the number is found in), but in most cases this is tied to a smaller area (for example, it's the center of a suburb of a bigger city).

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Given a phone number, will consult national directory-assistance databases to find the owner and address registered. The addresses returned are not validated via any address-validation technique. They are returned to you exactly as the phone carrier releases them. Both the contact’s information and the phone company’s information are returned with this operation. The other operations in this service return the same data, but pared down. This operation reverses the contacts name if the contact is residential (ie it returns name as Last,First).

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